Attracting and retaining generation Z professionals is extremely important for organizations, but it can be somewhat complex for organizations to understand this new generation, because, in addition to creating a balance between generations, organizations need to understand the desires of the generation Z to attract and retain these talents in the organization. Thus, the need for companies to adapt with the entry of generation Z arises due to the diversity of generations present within the organizational environment. To maintain balance with generation Z, it is necessary to assess their skills in a way that complements the skills of previous generations by taking the best of generations and applying their results within the organization, but attracting young people from generation Z requires dynamism, as a flexible company and innovative has a great chance of attracting young people using technology in the selection through virtual reality and gamification techniques and also the differentials it offers, not only tangible, but mainly intangible. Large companies, for the most part, seem to be already prepared to receive the Z generation in their work environment, as an example we can mention Apple and Google. This paper aims to assess whether organizations are prepared to attract and retain Gen Z talent, how to attract and retain this generation, identifying the diversity of generations and the balance with Gen Z, listing the challenges and benefits generated in organizations to understand its concepts and importance.
Keywords: Generation Z. Diversity. Talents. Professional.